The best portion of a good man's life is in his little nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. — William Wordsworth
Short Nameless Quotes
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself-and possibly teh bogey man. — Pat Paulsen
The nameless is the beginning of Heaven and Earth. The named is the mother of all things. — Lao Tzu
Every man's highest, nameless though it be, is his 'living God'. — James Martineau
Far, far below the deepest delvings of the dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. — J. R. R. Tolkien
Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought. — Audre Lorde
They say that nameless things change constantly—that names fix them in place like pins. — Holly Black
We kill each other over which name to call the Nameless. — Ram Dass
The Way is ever nameless. — Lao Tzu
The noblest service comes from nameless hands; and the best servant does his work unseen. — Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
To be nameless in worthy deeds exceeds an infamous history. — Thomas Browne
Remain Nameless Quotes
The most interesting - in fact, inspiring - people I met there [Porto Alegre] are those who remain nameless: representatives of the international campesino movement, the East Timorese delegation,... - the usual heroes, who disappear, unknown, apart from the consequences of their work. — Noam Chomsky
I was once almost forced off the stage at a large chain bookstore that shall remain nameless, because she introduced me as Lemony Snicket, and I immediately interrupted her and said, "Oh no, Lemony Snicket isn't here," and then she tried to cancel the event right then and there. — Daniel Handler
Sometimes we spend our money on something we think is gonna be great, and the titles shall remain nameless, but they're just a little disappointing. — Robert Englund
Anybody who has ever traveled in other countries, some of which shall remain nameless, except for Russia and China, you know that you can't bring your phones and your computers. And if you do, good luck. — Hillary Clinton
A member of my family, who shall remain nameless, refers to all newborns as ‘blobs’. — Cordelia Fine
I wish to remain nameless
And live without shame
'Cause what's in a name, Oh
I still remain the same — Florence Welch
One famous movie executive who shall remain nameless, exposed himself to me in his office. 'Mr X,' I said, 'I thought you were a producer not an exhibitor'. — Shirley Temple
Nameless Love Quotes
That best portion of a good man's life; His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. — William Wordsworth
Freedom Know this, that every man is free To choose his life and what he'll be. For this eternal truth is given, God will force no man to heaven. He'll call, persuade, direct aright, Bless with wisdom, love, and light; In nameless ways be good and kind, But never force the human mind. — William C. Clegg
The nicest gifts are those left, nameless and quiet, unburdened with love, or vanity, or the desire for attention. — Anne Morrow Lindbergh
My love has placed her little hand With noble faith in mine, And vowed that wedlock's sacred band Our nature shall entwine. My love has sworn, with sealing kiss, With me to live -- to die; I have at last my nameless bliss: As I love -- loved am I! — Charlotte Bronte
Above or Love, Hope, Hate or Fear, It lives all passionless and pure: An age shall fleet like earthly year; Its years in moments shall endure. Away, away, without a wing, O'er all, through all, its thought shall fly; A nameless and eternal thing, Forgetting what it was to die. — Lord Byron
Finding God In Nature Quotes
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls. — Mother Teresa
All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the Challenge of science is to find it. — Paracelsus
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature -- trees, flowers, grass -- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls. — Mother Theresa
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. — Mother Teresa
My profession is to be always on the alert to find God in nature, to know his lurking-places, to attend all the oratorios, the operas in nature. — Henry David Thoreau
Depression tends to turn us away from the everyday things of God’s creation. But whenever God steps in, His inspiration is to do the most natural, simple things- things we would never have imagined God was in, but as we do them we find Him there. — Oswald Chambers
God had given men reason, by which they could find out things for themselves, but He had given animals knowledge which did not depend on reason, and which was much more prompt and perfect in its way, and by which they had often saved the lives of men. — Anna Sewell
The concept of God is generated by a brain designed by evolution to find design in nature (a very recursive idea). — Michael Shermer
I know many people who believe in a god, and I expected to find him on my way to the South Pole if he exists. My religious experiences were very different however, [only] involving myself, nature and the universe. — Liv Arnesen
The soul is made of love and must ever strive to return to love. Therefore, it can never find rest nor happiness in other things. It must lose itself in love. By its very nature it must seek God, who is love. — Mechthild of Magdenburg
You walk through a series of arches, so to speak, and then, presently, at the end of a corridor, a door opens and you see backward through time, and you feel the flow of time, and realize you are only part of a great nameless procession. — John Huston
Little self-denials, little honesties, little passing words of sympathy, little nameless acts of kindness, little silent victories over favorite temptations-these are the silent threads of gold which, when woven together, gleam out so brightly in the pattern of life that God approves. — Frederic Farrar
I have supped mead with lords and ladies; so to have I slumbered in nameless lanes and gored upon mutton. — Dusty Rhodes
Type production has gone mad, with its senseless outpouring of new types... only in degenerate times can personality (opposed to the nameless masses) become the aim of human development. — Jan Tschichold
Under whatever name or form we worship It, It leads us on to knowledge of the nameless, formless Absolute. Yet, to see one's true Self in the Absolute, to subside into It and be one with
"It, this is the true Knowledge of the Truth. — Ramana Maharshi
The last of Summer is Delight -
Deterred by Retrospect.
'Tis Ecstasy's revealed Review -
Enchantment's Syndicate.
To meet it - nameless as it is -
Without celestial Mail -
Audacious as without a Knock
To walk within the Veil. — Emily Dickinson
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly, I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Leonore -
For the rare and radiant maiden who the angels name Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore. — Edgar Allan Poe
The mass of men worry themselves into nameless graves while here and there a great unselfish soul forgets himself into immortality. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every morning our newspapers could read, 'More than 20,000 people perished yesterday of extreme poverty.' How? The poor die in hospital wards that lack drugs, in villages that lack antimalarial bed nets, in houses that lack safe drinking water. They die namelessly, without public comment. Sadly, sad stories rarely get written. — Jeffrey Sachs
Erotic play discloses a nameless world which is revealed by the nocturnal language of lovers. Such language is not written down. It is whispered into the ear at night in a hoarse voice. At dawn it is forgotten. — Jean Genet
We’re in the vanguard of a nameless battle, a battle without arms or bloodshed or glory: we’re in the vanguard of waiting. — Marguerite Duras
There is one Cosmic Essence, all-pervading, all-knowing, all-powerful. This nameless formless essence can be approached by any name, any form, any symbol that suites the taste of the individual. Follow your religion, but try to understand the real purpose behind all of the rituals and traditions, and experience that Oneness. — Swami Satchidananda
It's fine therapy for people who are perpetually scared of nameless threats as I am most of the time — for jittery people. — William Styron
How vivid is the suffering of the few when the people are few and how the suffering of nameless millions in two world wars is blurred over by numbers. — Edwin Way Teale
How badly I want that nameless thing! First there must be an idea, a feeling... Maybe it was an abstract idea that you've got to find a symbol for, or maybe it was a concrete form that you have to simplify or distort to meet your ends, but that starting point must pervade the whole. — Emily Carr
And so it is that we do not exist until we do; and then it is that we play with our world of existent things, and order and disorder them, and so it shall be that non-existence shall take us back from existence, and that nameless spirituality shall return to Void, like a tired child home from a very wild circus. — Malaclypse the Younger
Music resembles poetry, in each Are nameless graces which no methods teach, And which a master hand alone can reach. — Alexander Pope
How prudently most men creep into nameless graves, while now and then one or two forget themselves into immortality. — Wendell Phillips
On a park bench on 12th street, my whole crew's famous, you try bust your gat and keep it rel but you nameless — Prodigy
Slowly but inexorably crawling upon my consciousness and rising above every other impression, came a dizzying fear of the unknown; a fear all the greater because I could not analyse it, and seeming to concern a stealthily approaching menace; not death, but some nameless, unheard-of thing inexpressibly more ghastly and abhorrent. — H. P. Lovecraft
'Gloria, Gloria!' they cry, for their song embraces all that the Lord has begun this day: Glory to God in the highest of heavens! And peace to the people with whom he is pleased! And who are these people? With whom does the good Lord choose to take his pleasure? The shepherds. The plain and nameless - whose every name the Lord knows well. You. And me. — Walter Wangerin
Death and Light are everywhere, always, and they begin, end, strive, attend, into and upon the Dream of the Nameless that is the world, burning words within Samsara, perhaps to create a thing of beauty. — Roger Zelazny
The soul ... is nameless because it is formless. It will neither go to heaven nor [to hell] any more than it will enter this glass. — Swami Vivekananda
The purely Great
Whose soul no siren passion could unsphere,
Thou nameless, now a power and mixed with fate. — James Russell Lowell
Those subject to capital punishment are real human beings, with their own backgrounds and narratives. By contrast, those whose lives are or might be saved by virtue of capital punishment are mere 'statistical people.' They are both nameless and faceless, and their deaths are far less likely to be considered in moral deliberations. — Cass Sunstein
This moment is so much bigger than me. It's for every nameless, faceless woman of colour that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened. — Halle Berry
. . . it is through poetry that we give name to those ideas which are-until the poem-nameless and formless, about to be birthed, but already felt. — Audre Lorde
Let us not forget that revolutions are accomplished through people, although they be nameless. Materialism does not ignore the feeling, thinking, and acting man, but explains him. — Leon Trotsky
The acute experience of great beauty readily evokes a nameless yearning for something more than earth can offer. Elegant splendor reawakens our spirit's aching need for the infinite, a hunger for more than matter can provide. — Thomas Dubay
Know your place in the world and evaluate yourself fairly, not in terms of the naïve ideals of your own youth, nor in terms of what you erroneously imagine your teacher's ideals are. — Richard P. Feynman
You are my inspiration and my folly. You are my light across the sea, my million nameless joys, and my day's wage. You are my divinity, my madness, my selfishness, my transfiguration and purification. You are my rapscallionly fellow vagabond, my tempter and star. I want you. — George Bernard Shaw
I choose to think of tv audience as nameless, formless, faceless people who are all like me. And anything that I write, if I like it, they'll like it. — Rod Serling
A flow'ret crushed in the bud,
A nameless piece of Babyhood,
Was in her cradle-coffin lying;
Extinct, with scarce the sense of dying — Charles Lamb
Well, I have a message for the nameless , gutless whimperers out there. Quit whining. Unlike some other shows, we here at CROSSFIRE actually present both sides of the issue. ... Look, if you want namby-pamby one-sided arguments go to Fox. — Paul Begala
Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought. The farthest horizons of our hopes and fears are cobbled by our poems, carved from the rock experiences of our daily lives. — Audre Lorde
I'd worked on leprosy and malaria in India [at the World Bank] and asked myself the question: Why do we let 2 million children die every year around the world for not having clean water? Because they're faceless and nameless. So, for me, Facebook looked like it was going to solve the problem of the invisible victim. — Sheryl Sandberg
In Conclusion
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